How To Sell Your Art Online

Today, the Internet enables us to “show and tell” our work to millions of people in a nano-second. And this is key…It is the telling part of this show-and-tell opportunity that will help inspire potential buyers to become loyal collectors!

Buyers of fine art want to know who is behind the screen. They want to delight in telling your story – the story about the artist whose work they proudly exhibit on their living room and office walls. This is an essential part of the selling process – providing buyers with a compelling story they can tell friends, family, clients, and colleagues time and again.

So, as the paradigm for how we do business continues to change, you can be certain of this – the fastest and most efficient way to show your art and tell your story is to do it online. Putting up an effective website is not rocket science, but it does require knowledgeable support. Here are some valuable tips to consider …

Your Art Website Tip List

(1) Make sure your site is of high quality, simply and elegantly designed.

(2) The initial tone should be warm, welcoming, and informative.

(3) Remember the (5) Ws: Who you are, What you do, Where you are, When you can be reached, Why you do what you do.

(4) Make sure your story is compelling, engaging, intriguing.

Your art work may be stunning. You may feel that that should be enough. After all, it is your art and not your story that people hang on their walls. Or is it? Actually, it’s both.

The more compelling your story, the more compelled buyers will be to collect your work and take pride in their association with its creator.

Remember, it’s your story as well as your art that will inspire more sales.

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